Welcome...I'm Debra Battistella
I help physical medicine OT's, Professionals and Parents step into greatness so they lead with confidence and empower others to achieve their highest and best in life.
Like you, I LOVE my profession. Like you, I know what it feels like to experience burnout...unrealistic productivity demands and more make it hard to be your best.
It's exhausting. By the time you give your all to clients, there's nothing left over for you...let alone professional growth & development.
You're a good professional and parent, always looking for effective ways to help.
Not having time to learn the most up-to-date interventions isn't your fault.
Creative Concepts is on a mission to help Professionals. Our philosophy is simple...To contribute for the good of all. If this resonates with you, keep scrolling
Everyone Benefits
Professionals - Our goal is to help you have a sustainable & thriving practice!
MORE VALUE: Your practice value increases through added knowledge and skills that improve outcomes (best practice).
BETTER OUTCOMES: Your client outcomes improve as a result of your increased knowledge AND through supports provided by Creative Concepts. Programs that include written & video instruction support client success beyond clinic time with you.
Your options:
Give written & video supports to clients free of charge.
Offer written & video supports to clients for a fee. Promote client accountability while adding to your revenue stream.
Clients - feel better and achieve their goals. It is next to impossible to state the true value to clients. An ultimate win occurs when they feel better and return to living after working with YOU!
Creative Concepts OT - We provide affordable programs, products & services for clinicians who want to deliver value in practice.
We operate from an empowerment model and abundance mindset, supporting the expansion of ALL...the way life is meant to be!
We became occupational therapy practitioners
to help others * bring value * be effective
Move from surviving into thriving today!
Check out these quality OT resources that support and inspire you to deliver evidence-based services effectively and with ease.
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You know how to be a good OT. Let us help you step into your greatness!
What We Offer
The Aligned Professional Program
The OT's Guide To Mirror Therapy
Trainings on evidence-based interventions
Ready-made interventions designed to save you time
Documentation ShortCuts
Independent learning modules
Free & Paid Resources
Everything is designed with busy practitioners in mind.
Everything is for adult practice.
Add variety to your practice while building skills that boost competence and confidence!
Join me in the RESOURCE HUB now!
Mirror Therapy Start Up Guide
In exchange for your email address, I’ll gladly share the Mirror Therapy Start Up Guide with you...keep scrolling!
The NOGGINS AND NEURONS PODCAST is all about stroke and TBI recovery. We talk about this topic in ways that everyone benefits - survivors, caregivers, clinicians and students.