When Professionals Lose Passion: Part 2-The Strain & Burnout

Part 2: The Strain and Burnout

The Deteriorating Work Environment: Alex, feeling the pressure, first tried to speak up—softly at first, raising concerns about burnout and unethical practices. But each time they did, their concerns were dismissed with a casual, “We’re all in this together,”  “Just power through,” or “We’re working on it.”

She began to notice the growing unrest within their team—once bright, enthusiastic individuals now disengaged, became cynical, and emotionally drained. People had stopped caring. There were no solutions to the problems, only more tasks dumped on already overwhelmed staff. Alex noticed that team meetings, once filled with excitement and eagerness, now fall silent, where members are so emotionally detached, they now appear hollow and grey looking sick and distant. Alex wonders, “Is this what I look like, too?” Much to her dismay, her reflection revealed the same weariness—she, too, looked emotionally drained and distant.

The “Yes” Culture: As upper management continued to enforce a "yes" culture, Alex started to see the toxic effects firsthand. Decisions were being made for the sake of, not ethics, resulting in conflicts with clients, mismanagement of projects, and an increasingly fractured team. The leadership would agree to everything, no matter how impractical, just to avoid confrontation or challenges to their authority.

Alex found herself stuck in a moral dilemma. Her passion for her work had been overshadowed by the suffocating atmosphere of mediocrity and dishonesty. She began to dread coming to work, dreading meetings, and feeling physically ill at the thought of another day under this leadership. Suddenly Alex realized this was not leadership at all.

Self-Reflection Questions: 

What’s your overall impression of this part of Alex’s story? 

Can you identify with this context or environment?

How do you view leadership mentality? Jot down leadership qualities that come to mind. Suggestion: Divide a paper in half and create these 2 headings:

Good Leadership Qualities - in this column consider behaviors and qualities that make you feel seen, heard, motivated, and safe, creative, dynamic

Poor Leadership Qualities - in this column consider behaviors and qualities that make you feel unseen, distant, unmotivated, angry, frustrated, disposable

Based on your perceptions and beliefs around leadership/leadership qualities, how would you handle Alex’s situation? Do you have suggestions for her?

READ PART 3: The Wake Up Call

By: Debra Battistella & Heidi MacAlpine